I continue to develop Phratch, the port of Scratch in Pharo. Phratch is a visual programming language on top of Pharo.

There are lots of new features:

  • Settings
  • FileSystems
  • Metacello
  • integration of BYOB (allows to build your own blocks)
  • integration of Color and Files
  • a lot of new useful blocks
  • projects saved with Fuel
  • possibility to implement new features without modifying the core of the system
  • possibility to customize the environment: add new categories, add new kinds of Sprite, add new blocks.

Phratch is available for Pharo2.0 with the following configuration:

Gofer it 
    url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/JLaval/Phratch/main'
    username: '' 
    password: ''; 
    package: 'ConfigurationOfPhratch';
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPhratch) project version: '1.0') load.
(Smalltalk at: #PhratchFrameMorph) open perform: #saveImageForEndUserSilently.

I hope to write documentations about all of the new features asap.


4 thoughts on “Phratch 1.0 beta

  1. Why not add a copy of the config in the MetaRepoForPharo20 on SS3.

    This way it will appear in the config browser and can easily be loaded with a few clicks.

    For the script you could add a metacello postload method (maybe asking the user if he want to finalize/save for end user experience or just run it)

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