Our team evolved with more people and more research topics. The team is now called ARTS, which stands for Autonomous and ResilienT Systems.

We also have a new web site. It will host all our news and projects from now on.

Doing a research work in robotic domain using Pharo as a prototype and implementation tool (via PhaROS) is a whole new experience. It is quite impressive to see how quick an implementation idea becomes a working prototype/solution in Pharo thanks to its productive development environment. Most of my robotic applications are critical tasks which require real-time performance, some of them are heavily resource-demanding (CPU). Due to the single process nature of Pharo, running these tasks on the same VM results in a performance bottleneck, thus sometime, violate the real-time requirement of the application. Common solution to this problem is to dispatch these tasks to several native system processes to boost the performance. Unfortunately, this feature is not supported in current Pharo.

Read how Sang did address this issue.


The Pharo MOOC will start october 16th, 2017 on France Université Numérique (FUN).
This MOOC is free and fully available in French and in English.
Registration web page: https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/course-v1:inria+41010+session02/about

If you are either a beginner or an expert in object-oriented programming, this MOOC will change the way you program with objects: come and learn or rediscover object-oriented programming with Pharo! Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language in the tradition of Smalltalk. It offers a unique developing experience in constant interaction with live objects. Pharo is an open-source platform (MIT licence) supported and used by a joint consortium of industrials and academics (http://consortium.pharo.org/).

From the research point of view, Pharo provides a very malleable language to prototype new ideas thanks to its unique and advanced reflective layer.

More details on the MOOC web page: http://mooc.pharo.org

Over the last years, the RMOD team of INRIA Lille and the CAR theme of IMT Lille Douai have been working together on creating tiny language cores. For example, Guillermo Polito demonstrated in his PhD a fully reflective kernel that fits into 80 kb of memory and that it is possible to have hyper specialized kernels down to 11 kb. We have also worked on remote debugging (PhD of N. Papoulias) and dynamic code updates (PhD of P. Tesone) of such kernels. All of these works are prototyped in Pharo. More recently, RMOD have been working on advanced probes mechanisms (M. Denker) and a solid remote debugging infrastructure (D. Kudriashov).

The goal of this PhD is to revisit the architecture around such mini-kernels for building IoT applicatons. The following tasks are foreseen:

- improve the tools to: edit, compile, debug, deploy and update such kernels on IoT devices. Learning how to debug remotely and dynamically update such IoT systems using the PharmID Pharo environment. This task will be in cooperation with M. Denker and D. Krudiakov on remote debugging for IoT and G. Polito for the kernel edition and tooling,

- define some language extensions to manage groups of IoT devices to program them at once. Managing hundreds or even thousands of IoT devices is a challenging task. We want to explore different solutions to help deploying and updating groups of IoT devices using some registration mechanism in a cloud server or some groups/roles based approaches for example,

- expressing the architecture of IoT applications. We would like to explore also how to express IoT architectures and what are the abstractions that should be offered to developers such as expressing event-driven architectures with declarative ECA (Event-Conditions-Actions) rules.
But we will study a couple of typical IoT applications.

- dynamically update an IoT application. An IoT application needs to adapt itself because unreachable or faulty devices or the diminution of available bandwith. We would like that the whole application can reconfigure itself in such situations as Guillaume Grondin proposes it in its PhD.

- Lighweight virtual machines. Virtual machines in the IoT context are very powerful for incremental deployment or dynamic updates. Although they are tuned for speed, they consume space compared to a non VM-based program. In this task, we would like to investigate what is the minimal memory consumption that we can reach for a VM usable for IoT. To do so we will use a standard VM such as Cog (the open-source virtual machine of Pharo) and degrade it. We will use it since our minimal kernels are running on it.

Note that ZweiDenker GmbH is interested in collaboration on the IoT management cloud infrastructure.

To apply, please send us:

- a CV
- a copy of your Master diploma
- a copy of your Master thesis
- 2 (two) reference letters, with the contact details of the referents
- links to videos of demos of your experiments and/or simulations

The application materials should be sent no later than August 30th 2017 by email to Prof. S. Ducasse stephane.ducasse-AT-inria.fr.
Email subject must start with: [PhD-RMoD-CAR-2017].

- G Polito, Stéphane Ducasse, N Bouraqadi, L Fabresse, M Mattone. Virtualization Support for Dynamic Core Library Update. Onward!, Oct 2015, Pittsburg, USA.
- Guillermo Polito. Virtualization Support for Application Runtime Virtualization and Extension. Ph.D. Thesis 2015. Co-delivrée par l’Université de Lille et l’École des Mines de Douai.
- Extended results of Tornado: A Run-Fail-Grow approach for Dynamic Application Tayloring. Commanditeur: École des mines de Douai, France. 50p, July 2014
- Nick Papoulias, Noury Bouraqadi, Luc Fabresse, Stéphane Ducasse and Marcus Denker, Mercury: Properties and Design of a Remote Debugging Solution using Reflection, Journal of Object Technology, 14, 1:1-36, 2015
- Madcar: an abstract model for dynamic and automatic (re-)assembling of component-based applications
G Grondin, N Bouraqadi, L Vercouter. International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, 360-367.

PDF Job Description

Since many years, the CAR team of the IMT Lille Douai has been working on a series of research projects on multi-robot exploration, search and rescue. An approach developed by our team is based on a graph representation of the environment to take benefit from both topological and metric information. As part of the CPER Data project*, we are hiring a Post-Doc for 12 months starting fall 2017. This position is focused on solutions to coordinate a robotic fleet to autonomously explore and map an indoor environment, under communication constraints.

(*) The CPER Data project is co-funded by the UE, France, and the Haut de France region, as part of the “Contrat de Plan Etat Région” program.

Expected candidates with a PhD degree should have a solid background in one of the following areas:
-coordination algorithms for multi-robot systems.
-mobile robot programming and software control architectures.
-Robot middleware such as ROS.

A background in dynamic languages would be a plus.

To apply, please send us:
-a CV,
-a cover letter describing your background and work, and how it connects to our research
-2 (two) reference letters, with the contact details of the referents
-a selection of 2-3 papers where you are the first author
-links to videos of demos of your experiments and/or simulations
-a copy of your PhD diploma

The application materials should be sent by email to Prof. Noury Bouraqadi: noury.bouraqadi(AT)mines-douai.fr

The Ecole des Mines de Douai has open positions for Permanent Assistant Professors. Candidats must be from EU. The application
dead-line is the 15th of may! Below a description of the position. We expect candidates to join the CAR team and work on software engineering and coordination of mobile autonomous multi-robot systems. Our recent projects target applications such as service robotics as well as robotic search and rescue.

Recruitment of an assistant‐professor in Complex Systems Modelling ‐ Computer Science and Automatic Control – Mines Douai

The Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Douai (Mines Douai) is a French engineering school, member of the Institut Mines‐Télécom. Institut Mines‐Télécom is composed of 13 engineering schools with nearly 12,000 students, including 1,700 graduate students , and a research contract turnover of € 100 million.
Mines Douai is organized into teaching and research departments in various fields of engineering (for more details, see the website of the school: http://www2.mines‐douai.fr/en). Mines Douai would like to strengthen the activities of the Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control, mainly focused on industrial and IT systems.
The Department of Informatics and Automatic Control (see, http://ia.ur.mines‐douai.fr/en/home/) at Ecole des Mines de Douai is seeking candidates for a tenured assistant professor position.

The job description of this position is presented below:
 Teaching activities :
‐ Provide specialized teaching in his or her field of competence,
‐ Get involved in various educational support activities (supervision of students, creation of new educational resources, admission …).

 Research and technology transfer activities :
‐ Conduct research and supervise PhD students and postdocs in one or several of the following fields: software engineering, autonomous systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning
‐ Contribute to the various projects related to modelling, optimization and/or monitoring of complex and evolving systems (energy management, robotics, transport, smart buildings),
‐ Develop collaborations with the other members of the department,
‐ Participate in the regional, national and international activities (conferences, workshops, etc.) within his/her field research,
‐ Participate in the organization of scientific events.
‐ Collaborate with industrial partners and participate in technology transfer,
Qualifications required
The applicant should hold a PhD in the field of computer science, and who is interested in teaching and industrial‐oriented research. A post‐ doctoral experience would be appreciated.

The ideal candidate must hold a specialized doctorate degree with skills in software engineering, autonomous systems, multi‐agent systems or machine learning.
He/She should be a good team player and communicator, and have demonstrated international experience. He/She should have the necessary linguistic and cultural skills to develop international cooperations in both research and teaching.

The application form has to be requested from :
Danièle CATOUILLARD (Phone : +33 ‐ daniele.catouillard@mines‐douai.fr ) Ecole des Mines de Douai
Human Resources Department
941 Charles Street Bourseul ‐ CS 10838
59508 Douai Cedex ‐ France
Closing date for applications: 15 May 2016
Contact person
Professor Stephane LECOEUCHE ‐ Deputy Head of Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control, Director of the Research Unit IA
Tel: +33
Mail: stephane.lecoeuche@mines‐douai.fr