The Ecole des Mines de Douai has open positions for Permanent Assistant Professors. Candidats must be from EU. The application
dead-line is the 15th of may! Below a description of the position. We expect candidates to join the CAR team and work on software engineering and coordination of mobile autonomous multi-robot systems. Our recent projects target applications such as service robotics as well as robotic search and rescue.

Recruitment of an assistant‐professor in Complex Systems Modelling ‐ Computer Science and Automatic Control – Mines Douai

The Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Douai (Mines Douai) is a French engineering school, member of the Institut Mines‐Télécom. Institut Mines‐Télécom is composed of 13 engineering schools with nearly 12,000 students, including 1,700 graduate students , and a research contract turnover of € 100 million.
Mines Douai is organized into teaching and research departments in various fields of engineering (for more details, see the website of the school: http://www2.mines‐ Mines Douai would like to strengthen the activities of the Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control, mainly focused on industrial and IT systems.
The Department of Informatics and Automatic Control (see, http://ia.ur.mines‐ at Ecole des Mines de Douai is seeking candidates for a tenured assistant professor position.

The job description of this position is presented below:
 Teaching activities :
‐ Provide specialized teaching in his or her field of competence,
‐ Get involved in various educational support activities (supervision of students, creation of new educational resources, admission …).

 Research and technology transfer activities :
‐ Conduct research and supervise PhD students and postdocs in one or several of the following fields: software engineering, autonomous systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning
‐ Contribute to the various projects related to modelling, optimization and/or monitoring of complex and evolving systems (energy management, robotics, transport, smart buildings),
‐ Develop collaborations with the other members of the department,
‐ Participate in the regional, national and international activities (conferences, workshops, etc.) within his/her field research,
‐ Participate in the organization of scientific events.
‐ Collaborate with industrial partners and participate in technology transfer,
Qualifications required
The applicant should hold a PhD in the field of computer science, and who is interested in teaching and industrial‐oriented research. A post‐ doctoral experience would be appreciated.

The ideal candidate must hold a specialized doctorate degree with skills in software engineering, autonomous systems, multi‐agent systems or machine learning.
He/She should be a good team player and communicator, and have demonstrated international experience. He/She should have the necessary linguistic and cultural skills to develop international cooperations in both research and teaching.

The application form has to be requested from :
Danièle CATOUILLARD (Phone : +33 ‐ daniele.catouillard@mines‐ ) Ecole des Mines de Douai
Human Resources Department
941 Charles Street Bourseul ‐ CS 10838
59508 Douai Cedex ‐ France
Closing date for applications: 15 May 2016
Contact person
Professor Stephane LECOEUCHE ‐ Deputy Head of Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control, Director of the Research Unit IA
Tel: +33
Mail: stephane.lecoeuche@mines‐

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