Our lab is located in the city of the city of Douai (France) which can be reached by:

  • Train : 1h10 from Paris (by TGV), 2h01 from London (by Eurostar).
  • Car : 30min from Lille, 2h15 from Paris, 1h40 from Brussels, 1h30 from the Channel, 3h10 from Amsterdam
  • Airplane: International Airports of Lille – Lesquin, Roissy – Charles de Gaulle, Brussels – Zaventem, Amsterdam – Schiphol


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Building Address

IMT Lille Douai
Informatics and Automatics Department
764 boulevard Lahure
59508 Douai

Postal Address

IMT Lille Douai
Centre de Douai
Dépt. I.A.
941 rue Charles Bourseul – C.S. 10838
59508 Douai Cedex

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