Since many years, the CAR team of the IMT Lille Douai has been working on a series of research projects on multi-robot exploration, search and rescue. An approach developed by our team is based on a graph representation of the environment to take benefit from both topological and metric information. As part of the CPER Data project*, we are hiring a Post-Doc for 12 months starting fall 2017. This position is focused on solutions to coordinate a robotic fleet to autonomously explore and map an indoor environment, under communication constraints.

(*) The CPER Data project is co-funded by the UE, France, and the Haut de France region, as part of the “Contrat de Plan Etat Région” program.

Expected candidates with a PhD degree should have a solid background in one of the following areas:
-coordination algorithms for multi-robot systems.
-mobile robot programming and software control architectures.
-Robot middleware such as ROS.

A background in dynamic languages would be a plus.

To apply, please send us:
-a CV,
-a cover letter describing your background and work, and how it connects to our research
-2 (two) reference letters, with the contact details of the referents
-a selection of 2-3 papers where you are the first author
-links to videos of demos of your experiments and/or simulations
-a copy of your PhD diploma

The application materials should be sent by email to Prof. Noury Bouraqadi: noury.bouraqadi(AT)

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