Agile methods are now used in a large number of companies specialized in IT, including IT services. These agile methods are taught often in a specific course containing a part with theory  and a practical part.

The problematic is the following: we say that agile methods are effective and provide a better project management. Why we , teachers, are not using the agile gaits out of this specific course?

The project has two goals : firstly teaching agile methods transversally to the main courses . On the other hand, it is set to make the course more flexible and adapted to students. The result is a fragmented learning, so students are better able to assimilate knowledge.

The gait is as follows: The students have an access to a pdf document of the course. They have to read it. A 4 hours session goes as follows: Each student (or binomial) has a task-board on which it will add tasks (written on post-it). This task-board comes from the SCRUM agile method. When he finish a task, he updates his task board . The task board is particularly important for the teacher : it allows him to see the progress of students in their work, in the same manner as for the management of an IT project.

One of the tasks is reading course. This needs to create a synthetic and readable pdf. The students are invited to read the document for 30 to 45 minutes depending on the difficulty . Then the teacher organizes a session of oral course of 20 minutes, just explaining the main elements to start the work. Other tasks are the completion of the User Stories of the project.

To apply this method, we add different tools (for example: board planning, the pomodoro and equivalent stand-up meeting in writing) that can be visible in the photos.

Teacher Task Board


Student Task Board


Pomodoro Timer

PhaROS tool has the mission of installing and creating packages into a ROS installation.

For doing this we have several commands, from installing and creating to administrating repositories, so you can manage your own packages and creating templates without major problems.

Install PhaROS tool

We are working for having this package in Ubuntu and ROS repositories, but meanwhile you can download it from here: pharos-deb

Once downloaded just execute

sudo dpkg -i pharos.deb

pharos –help


Install PhaROS based Package

pharos install PACKAGE [OPTIONS]


pharos install esug –location=/home/user/ros/workspace –version=2.0


pharos install –help

 Create PhaROS based Package

pharos create PACKAGE [OPTIONS]


pharos create –location=/home/user/ros/workspace –version=2.0 –author=YourName –author-email=YourEmail

Tip: Be sure the email is a correct one. If is not a correctly spelled one you will notice during last step.
pharos create –help

Register Repository of packages

pharos register-repository –url=anUrl –package=aPackage [ OPTIONS ]


pharos register-repository –url= –package=YourProjectDirectory –directory=YourProjectDirectory

Tip: If your repository requires user/password for reading add –user=User –password=Password to the example.
Disclaimer: User/Password will be stored in a text file without any security.

pharos register-repository –help

Listing registered repositories

pharos list-repositories

Creating a directory for your own project repository

pharos create-repository PACKAGENAME [ OPTIONS ]


pharos create-repository example –user=UserName >
pharos create-repository example –user=UserName  –output=


pharos create-repository –help




We are now really glad to present an enhanced way to deal with PhaROS.

Since we want to keep with the ROS community spirit of collaborative development for robotics, we introduce now our own command for managing packages made in PhaROS.

This command is mean to install existing packages and create new packages with cool snippets and examples for going faster through the learning time.

PhaROS tool is made completely in Pharo smalltalk and it allows to deploy an existent package into a pharo 1.4/2.0/3.0 in any distribution of ROS that uses catkin package. It automatize the generation xml, makefiles, type and scripts creation, going on the direction of letting the pharo programmer to focus just in programming and not in infrastructure stuff.

For Installing and Using please check this post: using-pharos-tool