As i already shout in the FOSDEM 2014 slides post, i have presented PhaROS in the last edition of FOSDEM, under the title of PhaROS: Towards Live Environments in Robotics.

I bring now to you this video taken during the presentation. I wish you to enjoy it!

Sorry if my hair is disheveled :), i am not very photogenic.


Enjoy it!




PhaROS has being in this last edition of FOSDEM (2014) we are proud to share our time and space with a lot of open source projects. Thank you very much for good feelings, feedback and sharing this amazing time.
Video and photos from this great event will be soon available here. Meanwhile, here are the slides

Keep tuned!

PhaROS tool has the mission of installing and creating packages into a ROS installation.

For doing this we have several commands, from installing and creating to administrating repositories, so you can manage your own packages and creating templates without major problems.

Install PhaROS tool

We are working for having this package in Ubuntu and ROS repositories, but meanwhile you can download it from here: pharos-deb

Once downloaded just execute

sudo dpkg -i pharos.deb

pharos –help


Install PhaROS based Package

pharos install PACKAGE [OPTIONS]


pharos install esug –location=/home/user/ros/workspace –version=2.0


pharos install –help

 Create PhaROS based Package

pharos create PACKAGE [OPTIONS]


pharos create –location=/home/user/ros/workspace –version=2.0 –author=YourName –author-email=YourEmail

Tip: Be sure the email is a correct one. If is not a correctly spelled one you will notice during last step.
pharos create –help

Register Repository of packages

pharos register-repository –url=anUrl –package=aPackage [ OPTIONS ]


pharos register-repository –url= –package=YourProjectDirectory –directory=YourProjectDirectory

Tip: If your repository requires user/password for reading add –user=User –password=Password to the example.
Disclaimer: User/Password will be stored in a text file without any security.

pharos register-repository –help

Listing registered repositories

pharos list-repositories

Creating a directory for your own project repository

pharos create-repository PACKAGENAME [ OPTIONS ]


pharos create-repository example –user=UserName >
pharos create-repository example –user=UserName  –output=


pharos create-repository –help




We are now really glad to present an enhanced way to deal with PhaROS.

Since we want to keep with the ROS community spirit of collaborative development for robotics, we introduce now our own command for managing packages made in PhaROS.

This command is mean to install existing packages and create new packages with cool snippets and examples for going faster through the learning time.

PhaROS tool is made completely in Pharo smalltalk and it allows to deploy an existent package into a pharo 1.4/2.0/3.0 in any distribution of ROS that uses catkin package. It automatize the generation xml, makefiles, type and scripts creation, going on the direction of letting the pharo programmer to focus just in programming and not in infrastructure stuff.

For Installing and Using please check this post: using-pharos-tool








Well. after some administrative tasks, im happy to open to community the issue tracker for PhaROS!

So, any problem you have, please do not hesitate in submit a ticket.
 Thanks for the feedback :)





What ever base system you choose, we encourage you to install Ubuntu 12.04 or greater. (This how to is based on this distribution)


Install ROS –  (Based on tutorial


1- Add to the list of package repositories

sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb precise main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list’

2- Add to your system ROS keys to allow identifying ROS packages as trusted

wget -O – | sudo apt-key add -

3- Ensure that the index of packages from server are up to date

sudo apt-get update

4- Install the appropriate ROS package. We chose the recommended option which is to install the full ROS

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-desktop-full

5- Add ROS variables to the environment of your current terminal

source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash

6- Install the recommended standalone command-line tools rosinstall and rosdep. rosinstall eases downloading source trees for ROS packages and stacks. rosdep simplifies installing system dependencies for sources before compilation.

sudo easy_install -U rosinstall vcstools rosdep

7- Add to the .bashrc file environment variables that should be set on every session for ROS.

echo “source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash” >> ~/.bashrc

8- Add to the .bashrc file environment variables for ROS network setup. We provide here only the code required to run ROS on a single machine which is enough for running the ROS tutorials. If you plan to use more one machine, you should use an alternate configuration as suggested in our tutorial on ROS Networking.

echo “export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost” >> ~/.bashrc
echo “export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311″ >> ~/.bashrc


Before go further, open a new terminal to let bash load new environment configuration


Creating catkin package

 mkdir -p ~/ros/workspace/src
cd ~/ros/workspace/src
cd ~/ros/workspace/
echo “source ~/ros/workspace/devel/setup.bash” >> ~/.bashrc




Before go further, open a new terminal to let bash load new environment configuration


Installing Pharo (Based on this post

#install the PPA repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pharo/stable

sudo apt-get update


#install pharo vm for desktop (with graphical dependencies)

sudo apt-get install pharo-vm-desktop


mkdir pharo
wget -O- | bash


Installing PhaROS

$ ./pharo-ui Pharo.image

” Downloading code ”
“In a workspace”
Gofer it url: ‘’; package: ‘ConfigurationOfPhaROS’;load.

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPhaROS) project load: ’1.0-Beta3′.

“Save image :) “


Installing example package


” Installing ESUG example package ”

PhaROSEsug install:’~/ros/workspace/src’.


” This line will deploy other image into the catkin workspace that is related with PhaROSEsug code.

So this image, the one that deploys is not the one that will be used, but you can keep using it for further installations “



rosrun esug headless turtlesimpursuitturtle




Please let us know if there is any problem =)


Since a bit more than one year of hard work, we are glad to be able to show the world our pharo client framework for ROS.

  ROS (Robot Operating System) provides libraries and tools to help software developers create robot applications. It provides hardware abstraction, device drivers, libraries, visualizers, message-passing, package management, and more. 

In order to make your life easy, we present here a virtualization with all the things needed installed and configured for the Groovy Galapagos version. Sadly, in this version of ROS (the last stable) the Gazebo simulator is not working, and also the most stable code of the previous version (Fuerte) is not working with gazebo anymore. Thats why the examples we show here are based on the easiest ROS simulator, the turtlesim.

We expect to be able to make a better showing up of all this world with the next version (Hydromedusa) which still unstable, but promise to have a whole new way to interact to simulators and so to let us show you a full simulated robot managed from your pharo image.


After you have downloaded the virtualization, and import it into your virtualbox installation, you need to get started into this new world. Remind always that currently, ROS is almost managed thought console commands, so, in order to interact with ROS and PhaROS you will need to use it, and of course, in order to use it you need to know some commands.


Yeah, cool, but you know, i just want to see something working, and i hate to waste my time understanding commands

So, open a terminal and execute:

rosrun esug pharos turtlesimpharo


Ok, you got my attention, i want to know a bit more about how to use ROS 

roscd {package name} ” This command step into the folder of the package ”

roscd esug ” This application will drive you to the esug package folder ”

rosrun { package name } { package-binary-name } { arguments } ” This command execute a binary of a package, generally this means a ROS Node that will have some responsibility”

rosrun esug pharos {script name} “punctually this command will execute a given script. ”
rosrun esug headless { script name } ” this command works like pharos command, but starts with a headless VM. Regard the inspects and halts before use this”
rosrun esug edit ” this command will open the image related without execute anything. This way, each package has its own image, and is easy to point to it and edit or browse it”
In order to change IP/Port of the ROS master, you need to change both, ~/.bashrc file (Changing the Environment variables) and also the constructors used by the scripts.


It is there any cheat sheet to have all the commands ? 

Yes of course: right here


Ok, i just execute the turtlesimpharo script, nice, there are more examples right? 

yes of course :), here you have an other one a bit more complex

rosrun esug turtlesimpursuitturtles


 Yeah! I love it, how do i make my own code?

A great way to begin is browsing PhaROSEsug package, it has commented methods and uses all the basic stuff. We will make some tutorials for advanced usage, but mean while you can have fun with that and browsing code and tests is always allowed ;).


 I made roscd esug, and i found a lot of folders! i don’t understand anything!

├── bin
│   ├── edit
│   ├── headless
│   └── pharos
├── build
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── ex.launch
├── image
│   ├── Pharo.changes
│   ├── PharoDebug.log
│   ├── Pharo.image
│   ├── PharoV10.sources
│   └── scripts
│   ├── turtlesimpharo
│   ├── turtlesimpursuitturtles
├── include
├── msg
├── package.xml
├── src
└── vm
└── pharo -> /home/pharos/vm/pharo


we have the commands to interact with the related package-image


Is here to keep layout compatibility with ROS. Maybe will store package-cache in the future.

ROS give a make tool in order to generate infrastructure code, like the structures related with topic messages. Actually this file should be mantained by hand.
In this folder we encounter the related image, the common source/changes bundle, and the scripts folder


In this folder we have all the scripts that we can run with this package. This files are actually generated and related with script methods in the package-related-object in the image side. (To look for the object of esug package punctually, browse PhaROSEsug ).



This folder is for ROS layout compatibility. We are not currently using this folder.
This folder is for message definition files ( .msg extention). This folder is mantained automatically with the type generation from image side, but you can also add your own types with no relation with the image side. In any case, messages and it dependancies should be updated in the ros infraestructure files (CMakeLists.txt, package.xml)

This is the package description file that ROS use to define compile-time / runtime dependancies, author, etc. You should not worry about this file in any case but in the case of new types definition.

This folder is for ROS-fuerte layout compatibility. Is actually deprecated and it will be removed soon.
This folder has the vm needed to run the exisiting image and code. Commonly is a symbolic link to the VM that the image creator of the package.
This folder and vm are usually pointed by the scripts at the bin folder.