What ever base system you choose, we encourage you to install Ubuntu 12.04 or greater. (This how to is based on this distribution)


Install ROS –  (Based on nootrix.org tutorial


1- Add ros.org to the list of package repositories

sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu precise main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list’

2- Add to your system ROS keys to allow identifying ROS packages as trusted

wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key -O – | sudo apt-key add -

3- Ensure that the index of packages from ROS.org server are up to date

sudo apt-get update

4- Install the appropriate ROS package. We chose the recommended option which is to install the full ROS

sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-desktop-full

5- Add ROS variables to the environment of your current terminal

source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash

6- Install the recommended standalone command-line tools rosinstall and rosdep. rosinstall eases downloading source trees for ROS packages and stacks. rosdep simplifies installing system dependencies for sources before compilation.

sudo easy_install -U rosinstall vcstools rosdep

7- Add to the .bashrc file environment variables that should be set on every session for ROS.

echo “source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash” >> ~/.bashrc

8- Add to the .bashrc file environment variables for ROS network setup. We provide here only the code required to run ROS on a single machine which is enough for running the ROS tutorials. If you plan to use more one machine, you should use an alternate configuration as suggested in our tutorial on ROS Networking.

echo “export ROS_HOSTNAME=localhost” >> ~/.bashrc
echo “export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311″ >> ~/.bashrc


Before go further, open a new terminal to let bash load new environment configuration


Creating catkin package

 mkdir -p ~/ros/workspace/src
cd ~/ros/workspace/src
cd ~/ros/workspace/
echo “source ~/ros/workspace/devel/setup.bash” >> ~/.bashrc




Before go further, open a new terminal to let bash load new environment configuration


Installing Pharo (Based on this post

#install the PPA repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pharo/stable

sudo apt-get update


#install pharo vm for desktop (with graphical dependencies)

sudo apt-get install pharo-vm-desktop


mkdir pharo
wget -O- get.pharo.org/14+vmLatest | bash


Installing PhaROS

$ ./pharo-ui Pharo.image

” Downloading code ”
“In a workspace”
Gofer it url: ‘http://car.mines-douai.fr/squeaksource/PhaROS’; package: ‘ConfigurationOfPhaROS’;load.

(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPhaROS) project load: ’1.0-Beta3′.

“Save image :) “


Installing example package


” Installing ESUG example package ”

PhaROSEsug install:’~/ros/workspace/src’.


” This line will deploy other image into the catkin workspace that is related with PhaROSEsug code.

So this image, the one that deploys is not the one that will be used, but you can keep using it for further installations “



rosrun esug headless turtlesimpursuitturtle




Please let us know if there is any problem =)

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