Lots of fonts are available for LaTeX here

1. Example: install the emerald package

wget http://mirrors.ctan.org/fonts/emerald.zip
unzip emarald.zip

ln -s ~/Libary/texmf .texmf # because I am on mac

cp -fr emeral/tex/latex/emarald/ ~/.texmf/
cp -fr emeral/fonts ~/.texmf/

cd ~/.texmf
texhash .

cd ~/.texmf/fonts/map/dvips/emerald.map
updmap updmap --enable Map emerald.map

2. emerald-test.tex



\title{Emerald testing}
\author{Luc Fabresse}


	\csname \showFontaux \endcsname%
	\marginpar{\vspace*{0.6cm}\small\csname \showFontaux \endcsname #1}%


We are going to try a series of standard Laserwriter fonts.

% \showFont{ECFDecadence}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceWithoutTheDiamonds}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceCondensed}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceInTheDark}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceInTheDarkCondensed}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceInADifferentLight}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceInTheDarkCondensedMarquee}
% \showFont{ECFSyriac}


3. Compile and see

pdflatex emerald-test.tex

Packt publishing offers great discount on their books this Christmas.

Following on from the success of last year’s festive offer, the publisher will be celebrating the holiday season with an even bigger $5 Bonanza.
From December 19th, customers will be able to get any eBook or Video from Packt for just $5. This sale covers every title in the 1700+ range and customers can grab as many as they like until January 3rd 2014 – more information is available at http://bit.ly/1jdCr2W

Learning ROS
I’ve recently finished to read the book titled “Learning ROS for Robotics Programming”, written by Aaron Martinez and Enrique Fernández and edited by PACKT publishing.

This is a must-read for any developer who wants to understand ROS deeper. The authors have written a really good book as well as to learn ROS (for complete beginners) and also to improve knowledge of more confirmed ROS developers. The book is well written and very pedagogic. And the most important, I think, is that the topics of the chapters are carefully chosen. This means that depending on your ROS experience you can directly jump to some chapters. Nevertheless, this book does not target advanced ROS users.

Chapter 1 (Getting Started with ROS) is a great introduction to ROS. I liked the history and the installation process descriptions for both Electric and Fuerte versions of ROS. I only regret that this book (fist published in September 2013) does not focus on Groovy which is now the stable version. But this is not critical and installation process can be easily applied to Groovy or even Hydro (current unstable version of ROS). Moreover, it also important to note that some ROS stacks still work better on Fuerte.

Chapter 2 (The ROS Architecture with Examples) explains very well the basics of ROS: nodes, topics, master, parameter manager, … It then gives examples of installing and creating its own nodes. This is a must read to begin with ROS and I will recommend it to all my students. Again, I only regret that it does not explain the new Catkin package management included in newer ROS versions.

Chapter 3 (Debugging and Visualisation) shows that the authors really know the daily job of robots developers ;-). I really appreciate finding this kind of information in this a ROS book because robot development is hard and error prone. It should not be idealised and it is not in this book. Most of the time, you will ask yourself: “what is going on?” and you need some tools to investigate and localize the bug. This chapters present all the tools needed to debug from GDB to ROS tools such rviz, wtf, … I really liked this chapter because debugging is IMPORTANT and I learnt things that will now help me to be more efficient when debugging.

Chapter 4 (Using Sensors and Actuators with ROS) presents how to use “common” robotics sensors with ROS. In my case, I was interested by kinect, Arduino and Xsens.

Chapter 5 (3D Modelling and Simulation) presents how to use simulation tools from URDF models loaded in rviz to real Gazebo simulations. This chapter is classical. Nevertheless, I want to report about a small but usefull section that explains how to do a 3d model of a robot in Google Sketchup and then import it in rviz. This is interesting because it shows how to add support into ROS for non-ROS robots that we all have in our labs!

I cannot give an opinion on chapter 6 (Computer vision) because I am less involved in this topic.

Chapter 7 (Navigation stack) and Chapter 8 (Navigation stack – Beyond setups) are completely in my current activities. Chapter 7 explains how to adapt the navigation stack to your robot. This is exactly what we did in our lab for some non-ROS robots. It would have been good to read this chapter before doing it, I am sure we would have been faster! Chapter 8 describe some tuning elements. Indeed, the navigation stack is full of parameters at different levels that make the difference between a “good” and a “bad” behaviour. All of these parameters (fixed values) are difficult to set up and sometimes difficult to determine. This chapter gives some useful insights on how to proceed.

Chapter 9 (Combining Everything – Learn by doing) presents some standard ROS installations for different known robots such as REEM, PR2, Robonaut 2, Husky and Turtlebot. We have multiple Turtlebots 2 in our lab. I must admit that the 2 pages on this robot base in chapter did not help me very much. But, other robots such as the PR2 is far more described and you can use it in Gazebo simulations.

Zhi YAN (Web Page) is a new postdoc in our team since september, 15th 2013. He will work 12 months on our CAIRE project. Today, Zhi presented us some of its work during its PhD.

Presentation title: Tasks and motion planning for multi-robot systems

Summary: This presentation focuses on the issue of multi-robot coordination from the standpoint of planning, which contains task planning and motion planning.
Two new approaches are proposed for the task planning. The first one is a decentralized approach based on trading rules. This approach is designed to simulate the relationship between buyers and sellers in a business system, to achieve dynamic task allocation by using a mechanism of unsolicited bid. The second approach is an heuristic one which is based on an empirical model. It is designed to assign the transportation task to individual robots by estimating the production rate of goods in a centralized system.
Two new approaches are proposed for the motion planning. Both are sampling-based approaches, designed to plan separate kinematic paths for multiple robots to minimize the issue of waiting situation including congestion, collision and deadlock, in an effective way in order to improve the system planning efficiency. All these proposed approaches have been tested and evaluated through simulation experiments.

Slides (in French)


My objective is to have:

  • A virtual image: VirtualBox (preferred), VMWare
  • with Ubuntu: precise? 12.04 (preferred because LTS), quantal 12.10, raring 13.04
  • ROS: Groovy (preferred because latest stable), Hydro (but still unstable), Fuerte (no because no Catkin)
  • MORSE simulator: 1.0 (latest stable), newer

If you don’t want to install it yourself, you can download my VMWare 4.1.4 image of a ROS Groovy on an Ubuntu Quantal 12.10 with MORSE (updated 2013-05-13).

If it works on a newer version of VMWare, please let me know.

Constraints & Incompatible Combinations

I learnt the hard way the multiple incompatible combinations ;-)
Here some constraints:

  • Ubuntu and ROS. You can find here a really good help. So, Groovy works on 12.04 and Quantal (12.10) but not Raring (13.04) which can be used with Hydro.
  • VirtualBox and Ubuntu. The following report on using the latest VirtualBox on OSX 4.2.x :
    • Ubuntu 12.04: no problem but Groovy cannot be installed on top of it.
    • Ubuntu 12.10: it is really slow. It seems to be 3D support problem but I did not succeed to fix it.
    • Ubuntu 13.04: it works perfectly after installing VBox tools and 3D acceleration (cf. here) but Groovy cannot be installed on top of it.
  • ROS and MORSE. MORSE requires Python>=3 but ROS is currently Python 2.7 compliant, even Hydro. However, the MORSE installations notes describes a solution to make install.

Finally I went for:

  • VMWare 4.1.4
  • Ubuntu 12.10
  • ROS Groovy
  • MORSE bleeeding edge

Step 1: Ubuntu Quantal (12.10) on VMWare 4.1.4

It has been straightforward. Steps:

  1. Download Ubuntu iso (ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso)
  2. Create a VM image in VMWare
  3. Boot on Iso mounted in CD
  4. Install
  5. VMWare Tools should install automatically
  6. Ensure that 3D acceleration checkbox is cheked in the VM preferences
  7. Ensure 3D acceleration is working well by doing in command line:

    /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p

  8. I advise you to do a VM snapshot here ;-)

Step 2: ROS Groovy Installation

Documentation is here.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu quantal main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
wget http://packages.ros.org/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-groovy-desktop-full
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
echo "source /opt/ros/groovy/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Test that ROS is working

TODO: Je ne suis plus sûr de cette ligne ;-)
roscheck ?

You can also do the ROS tutorials.

Step 3: MORSE Installation

Documentation is here.
But we must make ROS Python 3 compliant first.

ROS and Python 3

Documentation is here.

Doing sudo apt-get install morse-simulator did not work for me because of Python problems.

Manual installation steps:

  1. Re-install ROS catkin_pkg from sources to make it use Python 3.
  2. git clone git://github.com/ros-infrastructure/catkin_pkg.git -b 0.1.9
    cd catkin_pkg
    sudo python3 setup.py install
  3. Re-install ROS catkin from sources to make it use Python 3. However, cloning the regular catkin repository on github did not work for me because of syntax changes in Python 3 (u"xxx" not supported anymore). So I use here my cloned and modified version. However, I advise you to first check if it has been corrected in the official repository.
  4. # slightly modified version of catkin to support Python 3
    git clone git://github.com/LucFabresse/catkin.git
    cd catkin
    sudo python3 setup.py install

MORSE real Installation

sudo apt-get install python3-dev
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/laas/morse.git
cd morse

# if you want a stable version, just checkout the right branch or skip the next command
git checkout -b 1.0_STABLE -t origin/1.0_STABLE

mkdir build && cd build

# compile with the support you need. have a look at cmake --help.

sudo make install

You can now test that MORSE is working by executing:

morse check

Step 4: Post-Install

Congrats, if you reached this step, everything is done and you can work.

But I advise you to do a VM snapshot or better a VM clone ;-)

How to Update the Installation

For Ubuntu and ROS:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Be careful, it may install a non Python3-compliant ROS version!

cd ~/morse
git pull
cd build
sudo make install

Use it remotely

You can even use it remotely through ssh -X


That’s all folks.
I hope it saved some time for someone out there.

While working on robots, we needed to work with a sensor that uses a serial communication protocol. However, we also needed UDP sockets to work with other parts of the robot. The problem is:

  • SerialPlugin only work in squeak VM (old VM) and not in the Cog VM
  • UDP sockets only work in Cog VM and not in squeak VM

I decided to take the bull by the horns and modify the Cog VM so that the SerialPlugin works. In this post, I will quickly explain what I did.

1. Get the VM sources

git clone git://gitorious.org/cogvm/blessed.git

I cloned the git repository of Cog. I did not used the svn repository (http://squeakvm.org/svn/squeak/trunk) because the git repository also includes useful scripts. Then, I followed the steps described in the HOWTOBUILD file.

2. Create your own VMMaker image

cd image
PHARO_VM=/Applications/SmalltalkVMs/CogVM.app/Contents/MacOS/CogVM ./newImage.sh

You should specify your own VM path. Then, you can use the generator.image that has loaded the right VMMaker package.

3. Generate C source code from Slang

In the generator.image, a workspace contains a lot of useful snippets. Execute the right one depending on your setup. For me it was:

"Configuration for OSX"
CogCocoaIOSConfig new
addExternalPlugins: #( FT2Plugin );
addInternalPlugins: #( UnixOSProcessPlugin );
generateSources; generate.

You can analyse the generated C source code in the src/ directory.

4. Compile C code

# as of 10.7 llvm is the default but incompatible compiler
export CC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2'
cd build
sh ../codegen-scripts/extract-commit-info.sh
cmake .

5. Check your new VM

In the result/ directory you should find your new VM.

6. Modify VM sources

You can now either modify the C source code (plugins, …) or the Slang code. In my case, I changed a single method in the SerialPlugin class. Then I rebuilt a new modified VM and tested it. I also verified that I worked on the latest version.

Note: In my case, I worked on the VMMaker-oscog branch (Pharo branch?) and not the VMMaker.oscog (Eliot’s branch).

7. Publish your patch

I am not sure that I followed the “right” process in this step. What I did is to fill a bug entry in the Cog bug tracker https://code.google.com/p/cog/issues/list and I attached a .mcz (or .st) file to the bug entry.

Thanks to Igor, Esteban and others who made this process simple.