Lots of fonts are available for LaTeX here

1. Example: install the emerald package

wget http://mirrors.ctan.org/fonts/emerald.zip
unzip emarald.zip

ln -s ~/Libary/texmf .texmf # because I am on mac

cp -fr emeral/tex/latex/emarald/ ~/.texmf/
cp -fr emeral/fonts ~/.texmf/

cd ~/.texmf
texhash .

cd ~/.texmf/fonts/map/dvips/emerald.map
updmap updmap --enable Map emerald.map

2. emerald-test.tex



\title{Emerald testing}
\author{Luc Fabresse}


	\csname \showFontaux \endcsname%
	\marginpar{\vspace*{0.6cm}\small\csname \showFontaux \endcsname #1}%


We are going to try a series of standard Laserwriter fonts.

% \showFont{ECFDecadence}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceWithoutTheDiamonds}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceCondensed}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceInTheDark}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceInTheDarkCondensed}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceInADifferentLight}
% \showFont{ECFDecadenceInTheDarkCondensedMarquee}
% \showFont{ECFSyriac}


3. Compile and see

pdflatex emerald-test.tex

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