CodeJam is a programming contest. It includes a lot of problems.
For each problems, 2 data sets are provided: a small one and a large one. It is really interesting to learn programming.
You can try a solution on the small data set and also send it to the CodeJam web site to know if it is correct and then try on the larger data set.
CJSover is a framework written in Pharo to easily implement algorithms to solve CodeJam problems.
It simplifies data file reading and writing. I also implemented some (really naïve and non-optimized ;-)) solutions to some problems.
And for those “solved” problems, I commit here the correct solution to then be able to run automated tests that re-run them.
$ git clone CJSolver.git
$ cd CJSolver.git
$ sh # this will download the Pharo VM + Pharo image + load the CJSolver code
$ ./pharo-ui cjsolver.image
I did this small framework because:
- I want that students learn Pharo,
- I want that students participate to some programming contests using Pharo,
- I want to show students that YES, we can also implement these problems in Pharo
Please, checkout the code,
optimize already implemented solutions,
or implement solution to new problems,
and have fun ;-)
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