Firstly, assuming you have already installed ROS Groovy and Stage 3.x.x.
Then you need two additional packages p2os and exploration:
git clone
svn co
Finally, download the attachment (yz_stage_sim), decompress it and enter into the folder stage_sim.
Now, let’s start the simulation!
1. Launch roscore in a terminal window:
2. So, you have three options to implement the exploration: teleoperation, exploration and exploration with SLAM, in a new terminal window:
roslaunch teleop.launch (or explore.launch, or explore_slam.launch)
3. You can track the exploration progress by using rviz, in a new terminal window:
rosrun rviz rviz -d stage.rviz
4. If you want build a map by teleoperation, in a new terminal window:
rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=base_scan
5. Save the map, in a new terminal window:
rosrun map_server map_saver