The 8th french national conference on “Control Architectures of Robots” will be held this year in the beautiful city of Angers next 12-13 june. As for every edition since 2006, the CAR conference will gather researchers of the french robotics community interested in the transverse theme of embedded software for controlling autonomous robots. This event is an opportunity to get an overview of research currently conducted in french labs.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission (full paper or extended abstract) : 5th April 2013
  • Notification of acceptance : 26th April 2013
  • Camera ready due: 26th May 2013
  • Conference: 12-13 June 2013

Submission Guideline

  • Even if CAR is a french conference, we prefer article written in english
  • No specific style is required
  • No limit on article length, usually articles for CAR are between 6 and 17 pages long !
  • Send the PDF of  to

I’m happy to announce the arrival of a new colleague: Dr. Jannik Laval.

Officially, Jannik started working for our team since Friday 2nd november 2012. That was a Pharo sprint day hosted by our partner the RMoD INRIA Lille team. This was the opportunity to revive our dormant project: OCEAN. Luc Fabresse, Jannik Laval and my self are the main contributors of this new network library for Pharo. We worked a on it while Jannik was doing his PhD. An now that he is back, we have new energy to get this project done.

However, the main effort that we all concetrate on is Robotics. With the rest of the CAR team, we target models, software infrastructures and tools to ease the development of control architectures for robots. We expect to produce soon some cool demos.

Santiago Bragagnolo joined the team since the beginning of the month, as we announced during our talk on Smalltalk for robotics last ESUG conference (see slides below). Santiago is working full time on the RoboShop project where we aim at building an infrastructure for service robotics in the context of a shopping mall. We are using ROS (Robot Operating System) as a middleware. Currently, we are focusing on RoSt a framework to bridge Pharo Smalltalk with ROS. The end of the tunnel is becoming closer. We can call services provided by ROS nodes and we can send ROS topic messages. We are currently making tests with the ROS turtle simulator. We hopefully will soon start experimenting with our human size robots.