The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics continues its tradition of attracting cutting-edge papers in the theory and practice of robots for all types of safety, security, and rescue applications such as disaster response, mitigation and recovery; rapid and secure inspection of critical infrastructure; detection of chemical, biological and radiological risks, and operations in these dangerous sites.

SSRR 2013 also serves as an entry point for researchers and technologists who want to learn more about safety, security and rescue robotics, through tutorials and keynotes.

A Rescue Robotics Camp, attached to the conference, gives participants the opportunity to learn about the state of the art algorithms for Search and Rescue Robots and their use. The camp is organized in collaboration with the NIFTi EU project and RoboCup.

Papers and participation fall into:

  • Regular papers (4-6 pages) describing original work in SSR or work that can be applied to SSR domains.
  • Center/project papers (2-4 pages) describing work at centers or active multi-institutional projects.
  • Vision papers (2-4) presenting long-term challenges or new ideas outside of the mainstream in computing for SSR robotics.
  • Late Breaking Reports (1-2 pages) contributing novel directions or work which has not been fully analyzed or explored. Late Breaking Reports are reviewed and the relevance of the material to the SSR domains must be clear.

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Biologically inspired solutions
  • Casualty assessment, care and extraction
  • Chemical, biological, or radiological events
  • Computer vision
  • GPS-denied navigation and mapping
  • Humanoid robots
  • Humanitarian demining
  • Human-robot interaction
  • Inspection of critical infrastructure
  • Manipulation
  • Multi-agent coordination
  • Nuclear decommissioning
  • Sensing and sensor fusion
  • SLAM in extreme environments
  • Structural assessment
  • Telemedicine
  • Unmanned ground, aerial, and marine vehicles
  • Urban search and rescue
  • Wildland fire fighting

In addition, SSRR 2013 encourages the submission of “non-traditional” papers which contribute to understanding robot systems for Public Safety and have an explicit link to Public Safety but may not have results in a high fidelity SSRR domain.

SSRR 2013 will have three paper awards:

  • Best Paper Award
  • Best Student Paper Award
  • Outrageous Visions Award

Important Dates

  • Jun 14, 2013 Submission of proposals for tutorials and special sessions
  • Jul 19, 2013 Submission of regular papers, center/project papers, and vision papers
  • Aug 26, 2013 Notification of acceptance
  • Sep 6, 2013 Submission of Late Breaking Reports
  • Sep 16, 2013 Notification of acceptance of Late Breaking Reports
  • Sep 27, 2013 Submission of final papers

The CAR team  ( carries research at the frontier of Software Engineering and Robotics. We study software architectures, languages and tools for controlling individual robots. We have developed an expertise in reflective and dynamic languages, as well as component models, for a modular robotic software architectures. Besides, our research also addresses coordination and cooperation in robotic fleets. We mainly focus on communication models as well as emerging or predefined organizations for multi-agent robotic systems.

The post-doc position is part of the CAIRE project. The goal of the project is  to propose innovative solutions for the agile development of robotic software. The study will be validated by developing new robotic-based exploration and mapping solutions.

The candidate must have a PhD in Computer Science or Robotics, should demonstrate strong programming skills, and have research interests in at least one of the following areas:
- modularity and software composition
- programming languages design
- agile software development
- robotic middleware
- control architectures for robots
- multi-agent robotic systems

Important information:
-Workplace : Douai (Lille area), France
-Start: Between May and October 2013
-Duration : 18 months
-Salary approx. 2000 Euros.

To apply, please send your CV + references to : noury (DOT) bouraqadi (AT)

Two weeks ago, I thought that it’s more than time to revive the work started by my former PhD student Van Tuan Le. His algorithms for on multi-robot cooperation were validated using Bot Grid Simulator (BGS). I posted a while ago a simulation that illustrates our ICTAI2009 paper (Distributed constraint reasoning applied to multi-robot exploration) that relies on the connectivity awareness as introduced in our ICRA2009 paper (Making networked robot connectivity-aware). However, the simulator was just a prototype and the code was mixed with other unrelated stuff. My goal is to make it clean enough so it can be reused by other people. I started a dedicated repo on SqueakSource with the latest version (number 13) of BGS as left by Serge Stinckwhich (co-supervisor of Tuan’s PhD) in fall 2009. Then, I started cutting off parts, refactoring others, and writing tests. Progress at the beginning was slow, but things keep getting better. By the 13th of november 2011, I had a first relatively clean and tested version (number 29) of the kernel. I made a youtube video to celebrate it. One week later, I improved the design and the GUI (version 37). Now, each robot has a heading and a range sensor that are represented graphically as shown on the new video. More to come soon hopefully :-)